Once upon a time, there was a tiny mouse named Max who lived in a cozy burrow in a field of tall corn stalks. One day, Max woke up feeling very sick, with a high fever and chills. He was feverishly searching for a cure to make himself feel better.
Max asked his friends for help, but no one knew what to do. Suddenly, Max remembered that his grandmother had told him about a special remedy made from dried cornhusks. She had said that it was the remedy for all ailments. So, Max set off on a journey to find the cornhusks, and he brought them back to his burrow as urgently as he could.
Max brewed a tea from the cornhusks, and drank it down in one gulp. The next morning, Max woke up feeling like a new mouse! His fever was gone, and he was full of energy. Max was so grateful to the cornhusks for making him feel better, and he promised to always keep some on hand in case he ever felt sick again.
The end.
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