The Primate Friends: A Tale of the New and Old Worlds

Once upon a time, there were two groups of primates: the New World and the Old World. The New World primates lived in the rainforests of Central and South America, and the Old World primates lived in the forests of Africa and Asia.

The New World primates were special because they had prehensile tails that they used to climb trees and gather food. They also had opposable thumbs, which allowed them to grip branches and hold onto their food.

The Old World primates, on the other hand, had long arms and legs that they used to swing from tree to tree. They also had a special feature called an opposable thumb, which allowed them to pick up and hold onto things with ease.

One day, a group of New World primates was exploring a new habitat when they stumbled upon a troop of Old World primates. At first, they were scared, but as they got to know each other better, they realized that they had a lot in common.

They both had similar body shapes and were both part of the anthropoid primate group. However, the Old World primates were also part of the prosimian group, which meant that they were more closely related to lemurs and tarsiers.

The New World and Old World primates became friends and learned from each other. They shared their abilities and taught each other new skills. From that day forward, they lived in harmony and had many adventures together.

The end.


  1. What are the differences between the New World and Old World primates?
  2. Why do the New World primates have prehensile tails?
  3. How do the Old World primates use their opposable thumbs?
  4. How did the New and Old World primates become friends?
  5. What did the primates learn from each other?

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