The Fjord's Preservation: A Tale of Diversity and Cooperation

Once upon a time, there was a small estuary surrounded by lush savannas. Many animals called this place their habitat, and the diversity of species was amazing. Every year, some animals would migrate to other areas in search of food.

One day, a group of animals discovered a fjord not far from their home. They were amazed by what they saw: crystal clear water, towering cliffs, and an abundance of fish to eat. So, they decided to make the fjord their new home. They lived there in peace for many years, until one day, they noticed that some of their friends had disappeared.

The animals soon learned that many species were becoming extinct due to human activities. The animals were very concerned, so they gathered to discuss what they could do to preserve their home and protect the diversity of life in the fjord.

Together, they came up with a plan. They asked humans to designate the fjord as a protected area, where no harm could be done to the animals or their habitat. They also asked humans to help protect the artifacts that were left behind by the animals who lived in the fjord long ago.

The humans listened to the animals' request and agreed to help. The fjord was preserved, and the animals were able to live there in peace for many generations to come. The animals learned that by working together, they could protect their home and the diversity of life in their habitat.

The end.


  1. What did the animals do when they noticed some of their friends were missing?
  2. Why did the animals ask humans to designate the fjord as a protected area?
  3. What was the outcome of the animals and humans working together to preserve the fjord?
  4. Can you think of another way that humans can help protect habitats and prevent species from becoming extinct?

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