The Adventure of Angus and the Sturgeon

Once upon a time in a glen by the sea, there was a young boy named Angus who loved to scour the shore for interesting things. One day, while exploring, he heard a strange sound coming from the water. He followed the sonar and found a peat-covered lair that belonged to a plesiosaur.

The plesiosaur had a thick brogue and loved to talk about the strange things he found while swimming in the sea. Angus was fascinated and asked the plesiosaur if he had ever seen a sturgeon, a giant fish that lived in the deep waters.

The plesiosaur chuckled and told Angus that many people thought the sturgeon was just a myth, but he knew the truth. He said that every year, highlanders from far and wide would come to the glen to try and catch a glimpse of the sturgeon.

But, Angus was skeptical and wanted to debunk the plesiosaur's claims. So, he decided to embark on an adventure to find the truth himself. He gathered his courage and disembarke on a journey to find the sturgeon.

After many days of searching, Angus finally found the sturgeon. It was a magnificent creature and Angus was amazed. The plesiosaur was right all along! Angus thanked the sturgeon and promised to tell everyone about his amazing discovery.

From that day on, Angus was known as the great adventurer who discovered the truth about the sturgeon. He continued to explore the sea and discover new things with the help of his trusty sonar.


  1. What did Angus hear while exploring the shore?
  2. Who did Angus meet in the peat-covered lair?
  3. What was the plesiosaur's claim about the sturgeon?
  4. Why was Angus skeptical about the plesiosaur's claims?
  5. What did Angus promise to do after discovering the sturgeon?

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