Tweety's Adventure with Venom

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Tweety. One day, while flying, Tweety was bitten by a snake with venomous bite. Soon after being bitten, Tweety started to feel dizzy and faint. The venom was spreading fast and causing Tweety to become unconscious.

The other birds noticed that Tweety was not moving and took him to a wise old owl who was known for his healing powers. The owl told them that the venom was causing the blood to stop clotting, which was leading to severe bruising on Tweety's body.

The owl worked quickly to save Tweety and performed a skin graft to remove the venom from his body. The venom had already started to paralyze Tweety, but with the skin graft and the owl's magic, Tweety slowly started to recover.

From that day on, Tweety learned to be more careful when flying and to always watch out for any snakes that might be lurking around, waiting to prey on unsuspecting creatures like him.

The end.


  1. What happened to Tweety when he was bitten by the snake?
  2. Why did Tweety become unconscious and start to feel dizzy?
  3. How did the wise old owl help Tweety recover from the bite?
  4. What did Tweety learn from his experience with the venomous snake?
  5. Why was it important for the other birds to take Tweety to the wise old owl for treatment?

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