Once upon a time, in a small village lived a simpleton named Tim. Tim lived a humble life and often went fishing on a rickety perch by the river. One day, he caught a glimpse of a gleaming fish swimming nearby. He jostled his fishing rod to catch it, but the fish was too quick for him.
Tim stammered as he tried to explain the situation to his friends, but they didn't believe him and called his story "balderdash." Undeterred, Tim decided to prove them wrong. He gathered all his fishing gear, including a skimpy net, and set off early the next morning to catch the gleaming fish.
As he cast his line, Tim closed his eyes and cleared his mind. When he opened his eyes, he saw the gleaming fish swimming right towards him. With a steady hand, Tim cast his net and caught the fish. His friends were amazed and apologized for not believing him.
From that day forward, Tim was known as the best fisherman in the village. His timely catch had earned him their respect and admiration. The end.
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