The Quahog and the Brave Hunter: A Tale from Nasump

Once upon a time, in the land of Nasump, there lived a tribe of Native Americans. They lived in longhouses made of deerskin and wood. Every evening, they would gather around the hearth to tell stories and sing songs.
One day, while out hunting, a young brave named Swiftfoot came across a quahog, a type of clam. He took it back to the tribe and presented it to the tribal elder.
The elder was so impressed with the quahog that he gave Swiftfoot a musket as a gift. Swiftfoot was thrilled and couldn't wait to put his new musket to use.
The next day, he set out on a hunt and used his musket to shoot a deer. The tribe was overjoyed with the amount of food that Swiftfoot had brought back for them to eat.
From then on, Swiftfoot was known as the greatest hunter in all of Nasump. And the quahog became a symbol of good luck for the tribe.


  1. What was the quahog in the story?
  2. Who gave the musket to Swiftfoot?
  3. What did Swiftfoot bring back to the tribe after using his musket?
  4. Why was Swiftfoot known as the greatest hunter in Nasump?

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