Max's Mystical Journey Up the Scaffold

Once upon a time, there was a little monkey named Max who lived in a mystical jungle. One day, while swinging from tree to tree, Max stumbled upon a scaffold that reached high into the clouds. He had never seen anything like it before and was completely befuddled. Despite this, Max was an adventurous monkey and decided to climb the scaffold.
As he climbed higher and higher, Max noticed that the scenery around him became more and more unfamiliar. Just as he was about to give up and go back down, he met a wise owl who was perched atop the scaffold. The owl told Max that he was not accustomed to the mystical world above the clouds and that he would have to be brave in order to explore it.
Max took the owl's advice to heart and continued his journey. He encountered many magical creatures and had many exciting adventures. In the end, Max learned that sometimes being befuddled can lead to amazing experiences and that it's important to embrace new things and not be afraid of the unknown.


  1. What did Max feel when he first saw the scaffold?
  2. Why did Max decide to climb the scaffold despite being befuddled?
  3. Who did Max meet on his journey up the scaffold?
  4. What did Max learn from his adventure?
  5. What do you think would have happened if Max had not taken the owl's advice?

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