The Power of Tradition

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a tradition of irrigating the crops every year. One day, as the villagers were about to start the irrigation, an ominous cloud appeared in the sky. The villagers started to mutter among themselves, "What does this mean?"

One arrogant villager named Jack taunted the others, "Don't be afraid, it's just a silly tradition. We don't need to do this anymore." The others answered him sarcastically, "Oh, sure, let's just give up our livelihood and see what happens."

Jack, not one to be easily deterred, continued to harass the others, trying to convince them to give up the tradition. But the villagers hesitantly continued with the irrigation, despite Jack's protests.

To their relief, the crops flourished and the ominous cloud disappeared. The villagers learned that some traditions are worth keeping, even if they may seem a bit old-fashioned. And Jack, humbled by the experience, apologized for his behavior and promised to follow the tradition from then on.

The End.


  1. Why did the ominous cloud appear in the sky?
  2. What did Jack try to convince the villagers to do?
  3. How did the crops turn out after the irrigation?
  4. What did Jack learn from the experience?
  5. Why do you think the tradition of irrigating the crops was important for the village?

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