The Magic Rock of the Petrified Forest

Once upon a time, there was a Petrified Forest where all the trees were turned into stone. A young boy named Max was visiting the forest with his family one day and he stumbled upon a strange rock. Suddenly, the rock started to recite a poem that he had never heard before!

Max was so amazed by the rock's recitation that he decided to take it back to the headquarters of the Petrified Forest to show the experts. When he arrived at the headquarters, he was greeted by the head of the forest who was very excited to see the rock.

The head examined the rock closely and realized that it was actually a special rock with magic powers. He explained to Max that the rock could only recite poems that were written by the fairies who lived in the forest. And so, Max became the proud owner of a magical rock that could recite poems for him whenever he wanted!

Max was over the head with joy and he thanked the head of the forest for showing him the magic of the Petrified Forest. From that day on, Max would take his magic rock with him wherever he went and recite poems to anyone who would listen. And so, Max's adventure in the Petrified Forest became a story that he would always cherish and tell to others for years to come.


  1. Where did Max go with his family?
  2. What did Max find in the Petrified Forest?
  3. Who did Max show the rock to at the headquarters?
  4. What was special about the rock Max found?
  5. How did Max feel when he found out the rock could recite poems?

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