The Summoned Sorcery Quest

Once upon a time, in a magical land there was a grand procession to celebrate the sorcerers' day where they showcase their sorcery skills. But, just as the procession was about to start, all the shutters of the windows and doors slammed closed, trapping everyone inside. The sorcerers tried to use their magic to open the shutters, but nothing worked. Suddenly, a mysterious voice spoke out, "I have summoned you all here for a purpose. I need your help to defeat the evil sorcerer who has taken over my kingdom."

The sorcerers were intrigued and agreed to help. They used their combined powers to summon a powerful being that could help them on their quest. The journey was long and treacherous, but with the help of the summoned being, they were able to defeat the evil sorcerer and restore peace to the kingdom. The shutters lifted, and the procession continued as planned, but this time with an added sense of pride and accomplishment. The end.


  1. Who was the mysterious voice that summoned the sorcerers?
  2. What was the purpose of the procession in the story?
  3. Why did the sorcerers have trouble opening the shutters?
  4. Who helped the sorcerers on their quest to defeat the evil sorcerer?
  5. Why was the procession special after the sorcerers defeated the evil sorcerer?

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