The Peddler's Sumptuous Trade

Once upon a time there was a peddler who traveled from town to town selling goods. He had a sumptuous cart filled with incense, delectable sweets and other trinkets. People were always flattered by his wares and would trade him their labor for his merchandise. One day, the king of the land issued a law that all peddlers must obey. The king was concerned about the quality of goods being sold to his people. The peddler, who was proud of his wares, decided to put them to the test. He took his goods to the palace and offered them to the king. The king was so pleased with the quality of the goods, he offered the peddler a job as the official supplier of incense and sweets to the palace. From that day on, the peddler lived a life of luxury, always remembering to obey the laws of the land. The end.


  1. What was the king concerned about in the story?
  2. Why did the king offer the peddler a job at the palace?
  3. How do you think the peddler felt when he was offered the job?
  4. What lesson can we learn from the story about obeying laws?

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