The King and the Klong: A Magical Tale of a Journey and a New Home

Once upon a time, there was a magical kingdom that sat atop a tall spire. The spire was so high that it reached the clouds and from the top, you could see for miles and miles. The kingdom was a peaceful and happy place, where everyone lived in harmony.

One day, the king of the kingdom declared that he was going on a long journey and would be saying "Sayonara" to his subjects for a while. The people of the kingdom were sad to see their king go, but they understood that he needed to go on this journey.

As the king traveled, he came across a beautiful village where the people greeted him with a warm "Sawatdi." The king was impressed by the kindness of the villagers and decided to stay for a while to learn more about their culture.

One day, the king discovered a beautiful stream that flowed through the village, called "Klong." The water in the klong was so clear that you could see the pebbles on the bottom and the fish swimming in the water. The king was so fascinated by the klong that he decided to build a palace by its banks.

Years passed, and the king never returned to his kingdom on the spire. But the villagers continued to tell the story of the kind king who had lived among them and built a palace by the beautiful klong. The children of the village would listen in awe and wonder, imagining what it would be like to live in a palace by a magical stream. And so, the story of the king and the klong became a legend that was passed down from generation to generation.


  1. What was the kingdom on the spire like?
  2. Why did the king go on a journey?
  3. How did the people of the village greet the king?
  4. Why did the king decide to stay in the village?
  5. What did the king build by the klong?
  6. Why did the king never return to his kingdom on the spire?
  7. How did the story of the king and the klong become a legend?
  8. If you could live in a palace by a magical stream, like the king in the story, what would you like to do there?

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