Benny's Moon Adventure: The Power of Support and Pursuit

Once upon a time, there was a little bird named Benny. Benny had a big dream of flying to the moon. But whenever he would tell his friends about his dream, they would always reject and laugh at him.

Feeling sad and discouraged, Benny almost gave up on his dream. But then, he met an old wise owl named Oliver. Oliver listened to Benny's dream and instead of rejecting it, he decided to support him.

Benny was overjoyed to have someone believe in him and he started to pursue his dream with renewed energy. However, as he started to fly higher and higher, he encountered many challenges and obstacles. At times, he felt like giving up but then he would remember Oliver's words of support and he would keep pursuing his goal.

Finally, after many days of hard work and determination, Benny finally made it to the moon! He was so happy and proud of himself. He realized that he didn't need anyone else's approval to pursue his dreams. All he needed was his own belief and the support of those who believed in him.

From that day on, Benny continued to soar higher and higher, always pursuing his dreams and never letting anyone reject or discourage him. The end.


  1. Why did Benny's friends reject his dream of flying to the moon?
  2. How did Oliver help Benny pursue his dream?
  3. Why did Benny keep pursuing his dream even though he faced challenges?
  4. What did Benny learn about pursuing his dreams?
  5. How can you apply what Benny learned to your own life and dreams?

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