Lenny the Arthropod's Adventure on the Jetty

Once upon a time, on the shore of a vast ocean, lived a small arthropod named Lenny. He was a curious little guy, always exploring the sandy beaches and rocky jetty. Lenny was fascinated by the creatures that lived in the sea and he loved to watch the horseshoe crabs go by.

One day, Lenny came across a horseshoe crab that was molting. He had never seen this before and was curious to know what was happening. He learned that the horseshoe crab was shedding its old exoskeleton to grow into a new one. This process was called molting.

As Lenny continued to observe the horseshoe crab, he noticed that it had transformed into a beautiful larva. Lenny was amazed by this transformation and wanted to learn more about the life cycle of these fascinating creatures.

He also heard that the horseshoe crab was a great ingredient in making crab cakes. Lenny was hungry, so he decided to find some crab cakes. He searched high and low and finally found a delicious recipe for crab cakes. He gathered all the ingredients and made a delicious batch of crab cakes.

Lenny was so proud of his crab cakes that he decided to share them with all the creatures on the jetty. He made his way around and offered a crab cake to each and every creature.

As Lenny was getting ready to go back to his burrow, he noticed that the horseshoe crab had completed its molting process and was now back in the water. Lenny was grateful for the opportunity to learn about these amazing creatures and their life cycle.

From that day on, Lenny was known as the crab cake king and was loved by all the creatures on the jetty. He lived a happy life, always eager to learn and share his knowledge with others.


  1. What did Lenny learn about the horseshoe crab during its molting process?
  2. Why did Lenny want to make crab cakes?
  3. What did Lenny learn about the life cycle of horseshoe crabs?
  4. How did the creatures on the jetty react to Lenny's crab cakes?
  5. What was the outcome of Lenny's adventure on the jetty?
  6. How did Lenny feel about his new role as the crab cake king?

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