The Brave Little Girl of Gully Inn

Once upon a time, there was a small village called "Gully Inn". The villagers there lived in shacks made of old wooden planks and their roofs sagged under the weight of snow and rain. One day, the villagers woke up to find themselves shackled to their beds by an evil wizard who wanted to take over the village.

The villagers were scared and didn't know what to do. But one little girl named Lily had a plan. She sneaked out of her shackles and ran to the nearby forest to find help. She met a friendly fairy who had magical powers and could help her break the shackles.

Together, they went back to Gully Inn and the fairy used her magic to break the shackles. The villagers were free and thanked Lily and the fairy for their help. The evil wizard was defeated and the villagers were safe once again.

From that day on, the villagers lived happily ever after and never forgot the bravery of Lily and the kindness of the fairy. They learned that even in the darkest of times, hope and friendship can shine brighter than anything else.

The end.


  1. Who placed the shackles on the villagers of Gully Inn?
  2. Who helped the villagers break the shackles?
  3. What did the villagers learn about hope and friendship from this experience?
  4. What was the name of the little girl who saved her village?
  5. Why was the fairy able to help Lily and the villagers?
  6. What was the evil wizard's plan for the village?
  7. How did the villagers react when they were freed from the shackles?
  8. What can we learn from the bravery of Lily and the kindness of the fairy?

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