Ruby and the Hounds: A Tale of Courage and Friendship

Once upon a time, there was a young rabbit named Ruby who lived in a small village in the forest. Ruby was an activist who spoke out against the unfair treatment of animals by the ruling squirrels. One day, the squirrels declared Ruby a fugitive and sent out a network of hounds to track her down.

Ruby knew she had to flee, so she took off into the dense forest. She ran as fast as she could, muttering to herself about the injustice she was facing. She could hear the hounds' paws pounding the ground, getting closer and closer. Suddenly, she picked up the scent of a nearby stream and made a dash for it, hoping the hounds would lose her trail.

As Ruby crossed the stream, she felt her heart throb with fear. She knew that the hounds were excellent trackers and that it was only a matter of time before they caught up to her. Just as she was about to give up hope, she remembered her training as an activist and the powerful words she had spoken in the past. Steeling her nerves, she turned to face the hounds, ready to make a stand.

To Ruby's surprise, the hounds didn't attack. Instead, they sniffed the air, then looked at her with curious eyes. Ruby realized that they were only following orders and had no personal vendetta against her. With a deep sigh, she approached the hounds and started speaking to them in a soft, gentle voice.

To her amazement, the hounds listened and began to wag their tails. Ruby continued speaking, telling them about the injustices she was fighting against and the need for all animals to be treated with respect and dignity. The hounds nodded their heads, as if they understood.

With the hounds by her side, Ruby continued her journey, speaking out against injustice wherever she went. The hounds became her loyal protectors and friends, and together, they traveled far and wide, spreading the message of hope and equality for all animals.

The end.


  1. Why did the squirrels declare Ruby a fugitive?
  2. How did Ruby feel when she heard the hounds chasing her?
  3. What did Ruby do when she saw the hounds for the first time?
  4. What was Ruby's message to the hounds?
  5. How did the hounds respond to Ruby's message?
  6. How did Ruby and the hounds become friends?
  7. Why do you think the hounds were so interested in Ruby's message?
  8. What does the story teach us about courage and friendship?

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