Thunder the Brave: A Noble Horse's Journey to Recovery

Once upon a time, there was a noble horse named Thunder. He lived in a beautiful meadow with other horses and was loved by all. Thunder was the fastest horse in the meadow and loved to run and play with his friends.

One day, while playing a game of tag, Thunder stumbled and fell, injuring his leg badly. All the other horses were very worried about Thunder and didn't know what to do.

But one of the horses remembered hearing about a great animal doctor who could perform operations. So, they all agreed to take Thunder to the doctor to see if she could help him.

When they arrived at the doctor's, she examined Thunder's injury and told the horses that he needed an operation to fix his leg. The other horses were scared, but Thunder was brave and said he was ready for the operation.

The operation was a success and after a few weeks of rest and recovery, Thunder was back to running and playing with his friends. Everyone in the meadow was so happy to see him back to his old self.

Thunder realized that being noble and brave during his injury and operation made him even more special and loved by all. And from that day on, he ran even faster, proud of himself and his noble spirit.

The end.


  1. What happened to Thunder in the beginning of the story?
  2. Why did the other horses take Thunder to the doctor?
  3. What did the veterinarian do to help Thunder's injury?
  4. How did Thunder feel about his operation?
  5. What did Thunder realize after his operation?
  6. What lesson can we learn from Thunder's story?

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