The Brave Adventure of Max and the Magic Comb

Once upon a time, in a small village, there was a kind and adventurous boy named Max. Max was known for his bravery and always stood up for what was right.

One day, Max was walking through the forest when he came across a wicked witch. The witch was brandishing a comb that she used to control the animals in the forest and make them do her bidding. However, Max was not afraid and decided to stop the witch and set the animals free.

Max knew that the only way to defeat the witch was to take away her comb. So, he hatched a plan. He found a barrel and rolled it over to the witch. The witch, thinking that Max was bringing her a gift, climbed on top of the barrel to see what was inside.

As soon as the witch was on top of the barrel, Max grabbed the comb from her hand and ran away as fast as he could. The witch chased after Max, but he was too quick for her.

Max finally reached the village and showed the comb to all the villagers. They were amazed and grateful to Max for freeing the animals and stopping the witch's evil plans. From that day on, Max was hailed as a hero and the villagers threw a big celebration in his honor.

However, Max did not keep the comb for himself. He returned it to the animals, who used it to comb their fur and keep themselves clean. And so, the forest was once again a peaceful place, where all the animals lived happily ever after.


  1. What made Max a brave and adventurous boy?
  2. What did the wicked witch use to control the animals in the forest?
  3. How did Max defeat the witch and set the animals free?
  4. What did Max do with the magic comb after he took it from the witch?
  5. Why were the villagers grateful to Max?
  6. How did the forest become a peaceful place again?
  7. What do you think would have happened if Max was not brave enough to stop the witch?
  8. How can you be like Max and stand up for what is right?

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