Saving the Glacier: A Story of Environmental Responsibility

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful region near the base of a huge glacier. The people of the region relied on the glacier for their main source of water and it was also home to many unique species of plants and animals. But one day, the people of the region noticed that the glacier was melting much faster than they could predict.

After investigation, they discovered that the melting was caused by pollution from the growing population. The factories and homes of the increasing population were releasing harmful chemicals into the air and water, causing the glacier to melt and the bacteria in the water to become dangerous to the plants and animals that lived there.

The people of the region knew they needed to act fast to save their precious resource. They came together and created a plan to reduce pollution and protect the glacier. They shut down the factories that were producing the most pollution, and replaced them with cleaner energy sources. They also educated the growing population about the importance of protecting their environment.

As a result of their hard work, the glacier started to freeze again and the bacteria in the water became safe for the plants and animals once more. The people of the region learned that it was important to protect their resources and to be mindful of how their actions can affect the environment. They lived happily ever after, knowing that they had done their part to keep their region beautiful and healthy for generations to come.


  1. What was causing the glacier to melt in the story?
  2. What did the people of the region do to reduce pollution and protect their environment?
  3. How did the people educate the growing population about protecting the environment?
  4. What was the result of their efforts to protect the glacier?
  5. Why is it important to be mindful of our actions and how they affect the environment?

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