The Rustler and the Navigator: A Lesson in Leadership

Once upon a time, in the Wild West, there was a rustler who used to steal cattle from the ranchers. His name was Jack, and he was a very sneaky man. He had a plan to steal the largest herd of cattle in the region, but little did he know that his plans were about to be foiled.

One day, Jack and his gang were driving the stolen cattle through the dusty plains, when suddenly, the cattle started to get restless. They began to stampede, running in all directions. Jack was caught off guard and didn't know what to do.

Just then, a wise old man appeared, riding on a horse. He introduced himself as a navigator and said that he could help Jack control the stampede. Jack, who was desperate, agreed to follow the navigator's lead.

The navigator instructed Jack and his gang to start circling the cattle in a certain direction, keeping them together. Jack and his gang followed the navigator's instructions, and to their surprise, the cattle started to calm down and form a circle.

The navigator then said to Jack, "A stampede like this only happens when the cattle feel scared or lost. You need to be a good leader, and make sure they feel safe and secure." Jack realized the error of his ways and decided to return the cattle to their rightful owners.

From that day forward, Jack gave up his life as a rustler and became a cattle driver, helping to lead the cattle safely from one place to another. And whenever he encountered a stampede, he would remember the wise words of the navigator and lead the cattle to safety.

The end.


  1. What was Jack's job before he met the navigator?
  2. What happened to the cattle that Jack and his gang were trying to steal?
  3. How did the navigator help Jack during the stampede?
  4. What lesson did Jack learn from the navigator?
  5. What did Jack decide to do after the stampede?
  6. How did Jack's life change after meeting the navigator?
  7. Do you think Jack was a good person before he met the navigator? Why or why not?
  8. What do you think would have happened if Jack didn't meet the navigator?
  9. How can you be a good leader, like the navigator?
  10. What would you do if you were in Jack's shoes?

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