The Nomad Primate Colony: A Journey to a Better Life

Once upon a time, on a beautiful continent, there lived a colony of primates. These primates were happy and lived peacefully among the other animals, such as the mammals. But one day, the colony was faced with a big problem. The area they lived in was going through a depression and food was becoming scarce. The primates were threatened and had to find a way to survive.

So, they decided to become nomads and set off on a journey to find a better place to live. As they traveled, they came across many other colonies and saw how they were struggling just like them. They realized that they were not the only ones facing this problem and that immigration to a new place was the only solution.

The primates finally found a land that was rich in food and water. They settled there and started building their new home. They made new friends with the other animals and lived happily ever after. The new colony was full of life and happiness, and the primates no longer felt threatened. They had found a new place to call home and were grateful for their journey.

The end.


  1. Why did the colony of primates have to leave their home?
  2. What did the primates discover about other colonies as they traveled?
  3. How did the primates feel about their new home when they finally found it?
  4. What do you think would have happened if the primates didn't become nomads and search for a new home?
  5. What can we learn from the story about perseverance and determination?

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