The Brave Dolphins and the Oil Spill

Once upon a time, there was a big oil refinery by the sea. The workers at the refinery were always very careful to make sure that no oil would spill into the ocean. However, one day, a small leak occurred and a tiny oil slick formed on the surface of the water.

The workers at the refinery quickly sprang into action to minimize the damage. They used special boats to try and clean up the oil and keep it from spreading. However, no matter what they did, the oil slick just kept growing and growing.

Soon, the oil slick had grown so big that it started to engulf the boats and the workers. They were having a hard time trying to clean up the oil because they kept getting stuck in it. The oil was so thick that they could barely move.

Just then, a group of friendly dolphins swam by and saw what was happening. They knew that the oil was dangerous for all the sea creatures and that the workers were having a hard time cleaning it up. So, the dolphins decided to help.

They used their strong tails to create big waves that pushed the oil away from the boats and the workers. And as they continued to swim and make waves, the oil started to break apart and shrink. The workers were finally able to clean it up and the ocean was safe once again.

The workers at the refinery were so grateful to the dolphins for their help. They learned an important lesson that day about taking care of the environment and keeping the ocean clean. And they made a promise to be even more careful in the future to make sure that no more oil slicks would form.

And that's the story of how a group of friendly dolphins helped save the day and keep the ocean safe!


  1. What was the problem in the story?
  2. How did the workers at the refinery try to clean up the oil slick?
  3. Who came to help the workers and how did they help?
  4. What did the workers learn from this experience?
  5. Why is it important to take care of the environment?
  6. What do you think would have happened if the dolphins didn't help?
  7. Do you think it's important to minimize the damage when an oil spill occurs? Why or why not?

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