The Tourists and the Textile Weavers: A Story of Friendship and Irrigation

Once upon a time, in a land far away, there lived a group of people who lived by weaving beautiful textiles. The textiles were so famous that tourists from all over the world came to see them and take them home as souvenirs.

One day, the people noticed that the river which supplied water to irrigate their crops was drying up. They were worried because without water, their crops wouldn't grow and they wouldn't have anything to sell in the bazaar.

The king called for a meeting of all the people to find a solution. After much discussion, a young girl stood up and suggested that they could save water by sharing it with the tourists. The tourists could use the water to drink and wash, and in return, they could give the people some money to buy more water for their crops.

Everyone thought this was a great idea, and so the next day, the tourists were greeted with cups of water and the offer to help water the crops. The tourists were happy to help and they spent a whole day working with the people, learning about how they irrigated their crops and how they wove their textiles.

In the evening, the tourists went to the bazaar to buy some of the textiles and they were amazed at how beautiful they were. They realized that they had learned so much about the culture of the people, and they were grateful for the experience.

From that day on, the tourists and the people became good friends, and they continued to work together to save water and grow their crops. The people were no longer worried about the river drying up, and the tourists always had a wonderful time whenever they visited.

The end.


  1. What was the problem that the people in the story faced?
  2. How did the young girl in the story suggest to solve the problem?
  3. What did the tourists do to help the people?
  4. How did the tourists and the people benefit from their friendship?
  5. What was the bazaar and what was sold there?
  6. What did the tourists learn from their experience in the story?

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