The Contraption of Awe: An Adventure in Science Fiction

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Emily who loved learning about biographies of famous scientists. She dreamed of one day becoming a science fiction writer, but had no idea where to start.

One day, while exploring the sagebrush near her home, she stumbled upon an old contraption made of plaster. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before. Emily was filled with awe as she approached the mysterious machine.

As she got closer, she noticed that the contraption had an intimate connection to the land around it. She realized that the sagebrush was serving as a source of energy for the machine.

Emily was fascinated by the contraption and spent hours studying and experimenting with it. She discovered that it was a portal to a far-off resort world where the sky was filled with stars and the air was clean and fresh.

She visited this world often, and each time she was filled with wonder and awe at the incredible sights she saw. She spent many happy hours exploring the strange new world, making friends with the creatures she met, and learning all she could about the wonders of science fiction.

Years passed, and Emily grew up to be a great science fiction writer. She wrote many stories about her adventures in the resort world and the awe-inspiring contraption that had first inspired her love of science fiction. And so, she lived happily ever after, always inspired by the wonders of science and the beauty of the world around her.


  1. What was Emily's dream?
  2. What did she find in the sagebrush?
  3. What did Emily learn about the contraption?
  4. Where did the contraption take Emily?
  5. What inspired Emily to become a science fiction writer?
  6. What did Emily do as a successful science fiction writer?
  7. How did Emily feel about the contraption and the resort world?

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