Once upon a time, there was a robot named Robo who lived in a world full of robots. Robo was a special robot because he had a swivel joint in his arm that allowed him to move in any direction with ease. But one day, while playing with his friends, Robo's arm got damaged and he could no longer move it properly.
His friends took him to the repair shop where the repair robots fixed him using a special material called suture. The suture was like a magical string that could hold the broken parts of Robo's arm together as if they were never broken.
After the repair, Robo was as good as new and was very happy. But he noticed something different about his arm. It was more precise and precise than before! The suture had fused with his arm, making it stronger and more accurate in its movements.
From that day on, Robo was the best robot in the playground, always winning the games and impressing his friends with his precise movements. He was happy and proud of his repaired arm, and he learned that sometimes things that are broken can become even better after they are fixed.
And so, Robo lived happily ever after, using his swivel joint and precise arm to play with his friends and explore the world.
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