The Mystery of the Missing Manioc: A Lesson in Trust

Once upon a time, there was a small village in the jungle where the villagers relied on growing manioc, a staple crop, to feed themselves. However, one day, they noticed that their manioc crops were mysteriously disappearing overnight. The villagers were frantic and didn't know what to do. They suspected each other of stealing the crops and no one trusted anyone anymore.

One day, a young girl named Maria went for a walk in the jungle and stumbled upon a group of monkeys munching on the missing manioc. She quickly ran back to the village to tell everyone what she had seen. At first, the villagers were distrustfully and didn't believe her, but then they decided to follow her back to the spot where she had seen the monkeys.

When they arrived, they saw that the monkeys had indeed been stealing their manioc. The villagers were relieved and grateful to Maria for solving the mystery. They realized that they shouldn't have been so distrustful of each other and that they should have worked together to find the solution.

From that day on, the villagers made sure to protect their manioc crops and worked together to guard them against any future thefts. They also learned that it's important to trust each other and to always be kind and help each other out.

The end.


  1. Why were the villagers frantic in the story?
  2. Who solved the mystery of the missing manioc crops?
  3. Why did the villagers start distrusting each other?
  4. What did the villagers learn from the situation with the missing manioc crops?
  5. Why is it important to work together and trust each other?
  6. How did the young girl feel when she found the solution to the mystery?
  7. How did the villagers feel when they found out the solution?

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