Ruby the Brave: A Story of the Circulatory System

Once upon a time, there was a tiny red blood cell named Ruby. Ruby lived in the circulatory system of a young girl named Sarah. Ruby's job was to carry oxygen all around Sarah's body, to make sure every part of her was healthy and strong.

One day, Ruby was floating along in the plasma, the liquid part of Sarah's blood, when she heard a strange noise. She looked around and saw that one of the capillaries, tiny blood vessels, near her was clogged. This meant that the oxygen couldn't flow through properly to reach all of Sarah's cells.

Ruby knew she had to do something to help. She started swimming as fast as she could towards the clogged capillary. When she got there, she saw that there were lots of germs blocking the way. Ruby didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to try.

So, she started oxygenating the germs, using the oxygen she was carrying. She worked hard, making sure that the germs were getting enough oxygen to get rid of them. It was a tough job, but Ruby didn't give up. She kept oxygenating and oxygenating until finally, the germs disappeared and the capillary was free.

Ruby was exhausted, but she felt so proud of herself. She had helped to keep Sarah healthy and strong. From that day on, Ruby was known as the bravest red blood cell in all of Sarah's circulatory system. And she continued to work hard, carrying oxygen to all parts of Sarah's body, making sure that every cell was happy and healthy.

The end.


  1. What was Ruby's job in Sarah's body?
  2. What happened when Ruby heard a strange noise while floating in the plasma?
  3. What did Ruby do to help the clogged capillary?
  4. What did Ruby do to get rid of the germs blocking the capillary?
  5. How did Ruby feel after she helped unclog the capillary?
  6. What is the circulatory system and why is it important for our body?
  7. Why do you think it was important for Ruby to work hard and be brave?
  8. What could have happened if Ruby didn't help unclog the capillary?
  9. What did you learn from Ruby's story about the circulatory system and our body?

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