Max and the Electrified Battlefield

Once upon a time, there was a great battlefield where armies used to fight for their kingdom. The battlefield was very dull and lifeless until one day, an inventor named Max came up with an idea.

Max wanted to electrify the battlefield and make it more exciting for the soldiers to fight. He went to the king and asked for permission to make changes to the battlefield. The king was hesitant at first but after Max explained his purposeful plan, the king authorized him to go ahead with his idea.

Max started working on his plan and after a few days, the battlefield was transformed. The ground was now electrified and it produced a spark every time a soldier stepped on it. The soldiers were amazed to see the new battlefield and they were eager to test it.

As soon as the battle began, the soldiers were jumping and dodging the sparks on the ground. The battle was now more thrilling and adventurous. The soldiers were now fighting with more purpose and determination.

Max's idea was a great success and the king was impressed with his invention. The king awarded Max with a medal of honor for his contribution to the kingdom. From that day on, Max was known as the inventor who electrified the battlefield.

The soldiers never forgot the electrifying experience they had on that battlefield and the story of Max and his invention was passed down from generation to generation. And that's the end of our story!


  1. What was Max's idea for the battlefield?
  2. Why did the king hesitate to authorize Max's plan at first?
  3. What was the result of Max's invention on the battlefield?
  4. How did the soldiers feel about the electrified battlefield?
  5. How did the king react to Max's invention?
  6. What happened to Max after he electrified the battlefield?
  7. Why was the story of Max and his invention remembered and passed down?

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