The Adventure of the Wise Old Beaver and the Dike

Once upon a time, in a small village near a river, there lived many friendly animals. They lived happily and played together every day. But one day, heavy rains started pouring down and the river started to overflow.

The water from the river started flooding the whole village and all the animals were in trouble. They had nowhere to go, and their homes were getting destroyed. Suddenly, a wise old beaver appeared and said, "We need to build a dike to protect our village from the destructive water."

All the animals got together and started working on the dike. They worked hard and finally, the dike was built. The water was now controlled and the village was safe.

The animals were very happy, but they soon realized that there was still a problem. The water was not draining properly and their village was still wet. The wise old beaver came forward once again and said, "We need to build a proper drainage system so that the water can flow away easily."

All the animals got together again and started working on the drainage system. They worked hard, dug channels, and finally, the water was flowing away properly. The area was now dry, and the animals were safe once again.

The animals celebrated their success, and the wise old beaver was hailed as a hero. From then on, the village was never flooded again, and the animals lived happily ever after.

The end.


  1. What was the problem in the village at the beginning of the story?
  2. Who appeared to help the animals solve their problem?
  3. What did the animals do to protect their village from the destructive water?
  4. Why was the drainage system important to the animals in the village?
  5. How did the animals feel at the end of the story?
  6. Why was the old beaver considered a hero in the story?
  7. Can you think of a time when you had to work together with others to solve a problem?
  8. What can you learn from the story about teamwork and cooperation?

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