Discovering the Prairie with Pioneer Jack

Once upon a time, there was a young pioneer named Jack who lived on the vast prairie. Jack was always on the lookout for adventure and loved discovering new things.

One day, Jack came across a book that was filled with vivid descriptions of the prairie and all its wonders. He was so enthralled by the book that he decided to recite the entire thing to anyone who would listen.

Jack visited the local publisher and asked if he could recite the book for them. The publisher was so impressed with Jack's recitation that he asked if he could publish it for all the children in the world to read.

Jack agreed, and soon, the book was available for purchase everywhere. Kids from far and wide loved the vivid descriptions of the prairie and all the exciting things to discover there.

The only thing missing from the book was a picture of Jack reciting it. So, the publisher asked an artist to draw a picture of Jack in front of the prairie, reciting the book for all the children to see.

And that's how Jack became famous, except for on the prairie where everyone already knew how special he was.


  1. What does the word "pioneer" mean and why do you think Jack was called a pioneer?
  2. Can you name one thing that Jack discovered in the story?
  3. Why was Jack so interested in the book he found?
  4. Who asked Jack to recite the entire book and why?
  5. What did the publisher do with the book after Jack recited it to them?
  6. How did Jack become famous in the end?
  7. What does the word "vivid" mean and can you give an example from the story?
  8. Why do you think the publisher asked the artist to draw a picture of Jack reciting the book?
  9. Do you think you would like to discover and explore the prairie like Jack did? Why or why not?
  10. What can you learn from Jack's story about pursuing your passions and adventures?

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