The Search for Exotic Treasures: A Prehistoric Adventure

Once upon a time, in a far-off land, there lived a generation of people who lived in the prehistoric age. They were known for their skills in trade and their love of exotic things. One day, while digging through the earth, an archaeologist stumbled upon a strange, shining rock. Upon closer inspection, he realized that it was made of copper, a metal that was highly valued in those days.

The archaeologist was amazed by his discovery and decided to share it with the local people. They listened intently as he told them about the history of copper and how it was used in trade. They were fascinated by this new information and asked him if he knew of any other exotic materials.

The archaeologist told them about a type of rock called obsidian that was also highly valued in ancient times. Obsidian was known for its sharp edges and was often used to make tools and weapons. The people were eager to find this new material, and they set out on a journey to find it.

After many days of travel, they finally found a deposit of obsidian and were amazed by its beauty. They brought back as much as they could carry and traded it with other villages. Soon, the news of the discovery spread throughout the land, and people from all over came to trade for the exotic obsidian.

Years passed, and the story of the discovery of the obsidian became part of the oral history of the people. It was passed down from generation to generation and was remembered as a tale of adventure and discovery. To this day, the people of that land still trade and value the precious obsidian and copper, a reminder of their prehistoric heritage.


  1. What is the significance of copper in the story?
  2. How did the people in the story come to know about obsidian?
  3. Why was obsidian considered an exotic material?
  4. How did the discovery of obsidian become a part of the oral history of the people?
  5. Can you think of any other materials that might have been considered exotic in prehistoric times?

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