A Detour to Inspiration: A Memoir Adventure

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Sarah who lived in a beautiful villa with her parents. She had many friends, but her closest colleague was her best friend, Lily. They did everything together, from playing in the garden to exploring the nearby countryside.

One day, Sarah and Lily decided to take a walk in the countryside and stumbled upon an old carriage. It looked like it had been abandoned for a long time, and they were curious to know its story. So, they climbed inside and started to imagine what it would have been like to travel in such a luxurious carriage.

Suddenly, the carriage began to move and they found themselves on a detour, which took them to a beautiful, old house. There, they met an old man who was wearing a tweed jacket and who looked vaguely familiar. He told them that he was writing his memoir and invited them inside for a cup of tea.

As they sipped their tea and listened to the old man's stories, Sarah and Lily discovered that he had suffered from depression in his younger years. But, he had overcome it by traveling the world and writing about his adventures. He encouraged the girls to never give up on their dreams, no matter how difficult life may seem.

Sarah and Lily left the old man's house feeling inspired and grateful for the detour that had brought them there. They promised each other to always chase their dreams and to never let anything, including depression, stand in their way.

From that day on, Sarah and Lily never forgot the lessons they learned on their detour and continued to live life to the fullest, always chasing their dreams and never giving up.


  1. Who are the main characters in the story?
  2. What is the story about a detour?
  3. Who did the girls meet at the old house?
  4. Why did the old man invite the girls inside for tea?
  5. What did the old man tell the girls about depression?
  6. What did the girls learn from the old man's story?
  7. What did the girls promise each other at the end of the story?
  8. What is the moral of the story?
  9. Can you think of a time when you took a detour and something unexpected happened?
  10. What can we learn from the old man's story about chasing our dreams and overcoming obstacles?

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