Jack and Duke: The Winning Duo at the Rodeo Exhibition

Once upon a time, in a faraway province, there lived a dude named Jack. Jack loved horses and was an expert rider. He rode horses in rodeos and competed in exhibitions.

One day, Jack entered an exhibition with his beautiful draft horse named Duke. They rode in the grandstand where many people gathered to watch them. Jack had his reins in one hand and his trusty moccasins on his feet.

The exhibition was full of excitement. Jack and Duke galloped and trotted around the arena, showing off their skills. Jack's moccasins allowed him to grip the horse better, while his reins allowed him to guide Duke with ease.

The audience was amazed by the pair's smooth moves and cheered loudly. Jack and Duke were the stars of the show. They continued to ride and show off their tricks, leaving the audience in awe.

In the end, Jack and Duke won first place at the exhibition, and the prize was a trophy for the best horse and rider. The crowd cheered even louder when Jack and Duke came out with their trophy.

From that day on, Jack and Duke continued to ride in rodeos and exhibitions, always bringing joy and excitement to the audience. And Jack always wore his moccasins and held the reins, showing that the secret to a great performance was hard work and practice.


  1. What was Jack's favorite thing to do?
  2. What was Duke the draft horse's special talent?
  3. What did Jack use to control Duke while they rode in the exhibition?
  4. Who was the crowd cheering for at the end of the story?
  5. Why do you think Jack and Duke were such a great team?
  6. What did Jack and Duke win at the end of the story?
  7. What was the secret to their success?
  8. How do you think Jack felt after winning first place at the rodeo exhibition?

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