The Brave Knight Prestige and the Rampaging Dragon Scourge

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a mighty dragon named Scourge. He was known for his rampages and terrorizing the lands, causing destruction everywhere he went. People lived in fear of his power and strength.

One day, the king of the kingdom called upon a brave knight named Prestige to save the land from the dragon's wrath. Prestige, being the brave knight that he was, accepted the challenge and set out on his quest.

As Prestige traveled through the kingdom, he encountered many people who had suffered from the dragon's rampages. They told him about the damage and destruction the dragon had caused and how scared they were of him. But Prestige was determined to save the land and continued on his quest.

Finally, Prestige reached the dragon's lair, where he found the dragon sleeping. Quietly, he sneaked up to the dragon and filled his sack with treasures from the lair. The dragon, waking up to the noise, became furious and started rampaging through the lair.

But Prestige was quick and clever. He used the treasures in his sack to distract the dragon, making him forget about his rampage. The dragon became fascinated with the treasures and Prestige was able to sneak out of the lair safely.

Returning to the kingdom, Prestige presented the treasures to the king and the people, who were amazed and grateful. They hailed Prestige as a hero and the dragon's rampages came to an end.

From that day on, the kingdom was at peace and the dragon, Scourge, was no longer a scourge to the land. And Prestige, the brave knight, was remembered as a hero and his prestige continued to shine bright.


  1. Who is Prestige in the story and what is his mission?
  2. What did the dragon named Scourge do to the kingdom?
  3. How did Prestige distract the dragon and escape from his lair safely?
  4. What happened to the dragon's rampages after Prestige's quest?
  5. How was Prestige remembered by the people of the kingdom?
  6. What did you learn from this story about bravery and determination?

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