Bao's Brave Journey: A Polar Bear's Tale of Climate Change and Finding a New Home

Once upon a time, there was a polar bear named Bao who lived on the tundra. The tundra was Bao's territory and it was filled with many resources like fish, seals, and plants that he needed to survive. One day, Bao noticed that the climate in his territory was changing. The ice was melting earlier in the spring and freezing later in the fall, making it harder for him to find food.

Bao decided to go on a journey to find a new place where he could find more resources. He traveled along a well-known route that many polar bears used to travel between the tundra and the ice flows. Along the way, he met other polar bears who told him about a place far away where the ice never melted and the fish were abundant.

Bao was excited to find this valuable new resource and set off on his journey. He encountered many challenges along the way, but he was determined to reach his destination. After many days of traveling, he finally arrived at the place the other polar bears had told him about. He was amazed by what he saw – there were fish everywhere, and the ice was solid and strong. Bao realized that this was the perfect place for him to live and find the resources he needed.

From that day on, Bao lived in his new home, where he was able to thrive. He was grateful to have found this valuable resource just in time, before the climate change on the tundra made it impossible for him to find food. Bao learned that sometimes change can be difficult, but it can also lead to new and wonderful opportunities.

The end.


  1. What was happening in Bao's territory that made him go on a journey?
  2. What was the place that Bao was told about and why was it valuable?
  3. What challenges did Bao face during his journey?
  4. What did Bao learn about change and opportunity?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to adapt to a change? How did you feel about it?
  6. What can we learn from Bao's journey about the impacts of climate change?
  7. How can we help protect our environment and the resources we rely on?

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