The Toupee of Lord Noble: A Tale of Variety and Nobility

Once upon a time, there was a man named Lord Noble, who was a member of the nobility. He lived in a grand castle with his wife and children. Lord Noble was known for his love of variety, as he never did the same thing twice.

One day, Lord Noble woke up to find that he had lost all of his hair. He was so upset that he immediately went to see a wig maker to get a wig. The wig maker showed Lord Noble several wigs of different styles, colors and lengths, but Lord Noble was not satisfied with any of them.

Finally, the wig maker showed him a special wig called a toupee. The toupee was made of real hair and was meant to be attached to a section of the head to cover up hair loss. Lord Noble was amazed by the toupee and how realistic it looked. He immediately bought it and put it on.

When Lord Noble returned to the castle, his family and servants were shocked by how different he looked. They were used to seeing him with a full head of hair and were now seeing him with a toupee. However, they soon got used to the change and Lord Noble went on living his life with variety, just as he always had.

Lord Noble's toupee became a hit among the other members of the nobility and soon, everyone in the kingdom was wearing toupees to cover up their hair loss. Lord Noble had started a new fashion trend and everyone was happy.

From that day on, Lord Noble was known as the wig master and was loved by all for his love of variety and his special toupee.


  1. Why was Lord Noble upset at the beginning of the story?
  2. What did Lord Noble buy to solve his hair loss problem?
  3. How did Lord Noble's family and servants react when they saw him with a toupee?
  4. What kind of reputation did Lord Noble gain after wearing a toupee?
  5. How did Lord Noble's toupee become a hit among the members of the nobility?
  6. Why do you think Lord Noble was loved by everyone for his love of variety and toupee?

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