The Friends Who Changed the Kingdom: A Tale of Contributions, Amendments, and Injustice

Once upon a time, there was a group of friends who lived in a magical kingdom. They loved their kingdom and wanted to make sure it was always a fair and just place to live. One day, they discovered that there were many injustices happening in their kingdom. People were not being treated equally and the rules were not being followed.

The friends decided to do something about it and started to organize a plan. They knew that the first step was to understand the rules of their kingdom. So, they went to the library and found a special document called the Constitution. This document was like a big rule book for the kingdom and it explained how everything should work.

The friends started to read the Constitution and learned about something called amendments. Amendments were changes that could be made to the Constitution to make it better. They thought that this was the perfect solution to the injustices in their kingdom. They wanted to contribute to the Constitution by adding an amendment that would make sure everyone was treated fairly.

They decided to hold an election to choose someone who would be in charge of making the amendment. Everyone in the kingdom was allowed to vote and the friends were amazed at how many people wanted to help make a difference.

In the end, the friends' plan was a huge success. The new amendment was added to the Constitution and everyone in the kingdom was treated fairly and justly. The friends were proud of what they had accomplished and were happy to have contributed to making their kingdom a better place to live.

And from that day forward, the kingdom was filled with happiness, fairness, and justice for all. The end.


  1. Why did the friends in the story want to do something about the injustices in their kingdom?
  2. What was the first thing the friends did to try and fix the problems in the kingdom?
  3. What is an amendment and why did the friends think it would help solve the problems in the kingdom?
  4. How did the friends get everyone in the kingdom involved in making the changes?
  5. What did the friends learn about making a difference in their community?

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