The Adventure at the Hermit's Canteen

Once upon a time, there was a young apprentice named Tim. Tim was always curious and loved to explore new things. One day, he came across a canteen in the middle of a vast homestead. He was perplexed and couldn't understand why it was there.

As Tim approached the canteen, he heard a hoarse voice coming from inside. He cautiously peeked through the window and saw an old man sitting inside, talking to himself. Tim thought it would be rude to interrupt, so he decided to wait outside.

After a while, the old man came out of the canteen with a pallet in his hand. Tim was surprised to see that the old man was carrying a big pile of firewood. The old man noticed Tim and asked him if he wanted to help. Tim eagerly agreed, and they went inside the canteen together.

The old man told Tim that he was a hermit who lived in the homestead, and that he needed the firewood to keep the canteen warm. Tim was fascinated by the old man's stories and asked him how he managed to live in the homestead all by himself.

The old man explained that he used to have a family, but they had all left him. He also told Tim about the time when the canteen had a blowup, and how he had to rebuild it from scratch. Tim was amazed at the old man's resilience and determination.

As the night began to peter out, the old man thanked Tim for his help and asked him to come back the next day. Tim promised to come back and help the old man with whatever he needed. From that day on, Tim visited the canteen every day and learned many valuable lessons from the old man.

The story of Tim and the hermit taught us that it's important to help others and that even the smallest acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone's life.


  1. Who is Tim and what does he do?
  2. What did Tim find in the middle of the homestead?
  3. Who was the old man that Tim met at the canteen?
  4. What did Tim learn from the old man?
  5. Why was Tim fascinated by the old man's stories?
  6. What did Tim promise to the old man at the end of the story?
  7. What was the lesson that Tim learned from his adventure at the canteen?

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