Lily's Miraculous Race to Victory

Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Lily who loved to run. She would run every day, rain or shine, and she was always the fastest in her class. However, she had never competed in a real race before.

One day, Lily's teacher announced that there was going to be a big race and the winner would qualify for the national championships. Lily was so excited that she couldn't sleep the night before the race.

When the day of the race arrived, Lily put on her lucky sneakers and took her place at the starting line. The race began, and Lily ran faster than she ever had before. She was so focused on the finish line that she didn't even notice when she passed all the other runners.

As she crossed the finish line, Lily suddenly realized that she had won the race! She had qualified for the national championships, and she couldn't believe it.

At the national championships, Lily made her debut as a runner. She was nervous, but she was also excited to show everyone what she was capable of. The race began, and Lily ran with all her heart. Miraculously, she managed to keep up with the best runners in the country, and she even overtook some of them.

In the end, Lily won the race and became the national champion! She was so happy and proud of herself, and she learned that anything is possible if you believe in yourself and never give up. From that day on, Lily continued to run and inspire others with her determination and passion.


  1. Who was Lily?
  2. What was the big race Lily's teacher announced?
  3. How did Lily feel before the race?
  4. How did Lily feel after she won the race?
  5. What did Lily learn about herself through the race?
  6. What does the word "realization" mean in the story?
  7. Why was the ending of the story considered miraculous?

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