The Brave Immigrant: Maria and The Star

Once upon a time, there was a young immigrant named Maria who lived in a small village near the sea. The village was suffering from a terrible famine, and food was scarce.

One day, Maria heard that there was a big ship docked in the nearby port, looking for crew members to help sail across the ocean to a new land where there was plenty of food. She decided to go and see if she could get a job on the ship.

The ship was called The Star, and it was a magnificent vessel with a tall mast and a proud stern. As Maria approached, she could see the hustle and bustle of the crew loading supplies and getting the ship ready to set sail.

She made her way to the captain and told him of her desire to work on the ship and escape the famine in her village. The captain, seeing her determination and strength, agreed to give her a chance.

Maria worked hard on the ship, cleaning the decks, mending sails, and helping in the kitchen. She soon became friends with the other crew members and loved the adventure of sailing across the sea.

One day, as the ship was making its way through a storm, Maria heard a strange noise coming from the hold. She went to investigate and discovered that one of the hatch doors had come loose, letting in water. She quickly gathered some rafters and used them to prop the door shut.

The crew was so impressed with Maria's quick thinking and bravery that they made her the official "door-holder" for the rest of the journey. When they finally reached the new land, everyone was so grateful for her help that they decided to give her a special honor: they named the ship "The Star of Maria" in her honor.

And so, with the makings of a true adventurer, Maria went on to have many more exciting adventures on the sea, always remembered as the one who saved The Star during its stormiest journey.


  1. Why did Maria decide to join the ship as a crew member?
  2. How did Maria show her bravery during the storm?
  3. Why did the crew decide to name the ship "The Star of Maria"?
  4. What lessons do you think Maria learned during her adventure on the sea?
  5. How did Maria help the crew during the journey?
  6. What kind of person do you think Maria was?
  7. How do you think the journey changed Maria?
  8. What would you have done in Maria's situation?

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