Max and Robby: Exploring a New World

Once upon a time, there was a little microbe named Max. Max lived on a distant planet, where no humans had ever explored. Max wanted to learn all about his planet and explore every inch of it. But he was too small to do it on his own.

One day, Max heard about a new satellite that was going to be launched by humans to study his planet. The satellite was called Robby and it was very special. Robby was a robotic satellite, which meant it could move and explore the planet all on its own.

Max was very excited and decided to help Robby in any way he could. He learned that Robby needed to communicate with Earth, so Max suggested that they use a relay. A relay is like a telephone, but for robots. Max said he would be the one to operate the relay, so that Robby could send all the information it collected back to Earth.

Robby was very happy to have Max's help, and together, they started exploring the planet. They found mountains, valleys, rivers and even an ocean. They were having a great time, but Max wanted to do even more.

So, Max came up with a new idea. He suggested that they simulate a rover on the planet, so that they could explore even further. Robby was hesitant at first, but Max explained that a rover is a type of robot that can move around on wheels and explore even the toughest terrain.

With Max's help, Robby was able to create a simulation of a rover and they set off to explore even more of the planet. They saw things they had never seen before and made many exciting discoveries. They sent all their findings back to Earth and became famous explorers.

From that day on, Max and Robby explored the planet together, and they lived happily ever after. The end.


  1. What is a microbe and why did Max want to explore his planet?
  2. What is a robotic satellite and what was Robby's mission?
  3. Why did Max suggest using a relay to communicate with Earth?
  4. What is a rover and what did Max and Robby discover while simulating a rover on the planet?
  5. Why did Max and Robby become famous explorers?
  6. What did you learn from the story and why was it important?

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