The Oasis of the Jinn: A Tale of a Nomadic Tribe's Journey and Blessing

Once upon a time, in a vast desert, there was a nomadic tribe that roamed the barren lands in search of resources to survive. For centuries, they roamed from one place to another, facing harsh sun, wind and sand storms.

One day, they heard rumors of a mysterious plateau that was said to be rich in vegetation, where rains fell every year during the monsoon season. Excited by the prospects of finding an oasis in the middle of the desert, the tribe set out on a journey to find this plateau.

After many days of traveling, they finally spotted the plateau in the distance. As they approached, they were amazed by the lush green vegetation that covered the land and the streams of water that flowed down the mountains. They had found what they were looking for!

The tribe soon learned that the plateau was a source of all the essential resources they needed to survive - water, food, and shelter. They settled there and for millennia, they thrived and prospered, taking advantage of the abundant precipitation that fell every year during the monsoon season.

One day, the tribe was visited by a powerful jinn, who was impressed by the tribe's resourcefulness and determination. The jinn granted the tribe a blessing, ensuring that the monsoon rains would continue to fall on the plateau for as long as the tribe lived there and took care of the land.

And so, the tribe lived happily ever after, always remembering the gift of the jinn and the precious oasis they had found in the middle of the vast desert.


  1. Why did the nomadic tribe leave their previous home to search for a new one?
  2. How did the tribe feel when they first saw the lush vegetation on the plateau?
  3. Why was the jinn impressed by the tribe?
  4. Why was the monsoon season important for the tribe's survival?
  5. How did the tribe show gratitude towards the jinn's blessing?

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