Little Hawk and the Legacy of the Petroglyphs

Once upon a time, there was a young Native American boy named Little Hawk who lived in a small village near the mountains. He loved exploring the nearby canyons and learning about the history of his people. One day, while wandering through the cliffs, Little Hawk stumbled upon an old kiva, a circular underground room used by the Native Americans for religious and social gatherings.

Curious, Little Hawk climbed down into the kiva and noticed the walls were covered in petroglyphs, ancient rock carvings. He ran his hand over the images and marveled at how the carvings showed the Native Americans hunting, dancing, and living their lives many years ago.

As Little Hawk gazed at the petroglyphs, he suddenly noticed something different. One of the images showed the land and sky in a strange perspective, as if the artist was looking down from above. He couldn't understand why someone would carve the image this way and it sparked his curiosity.

So, Little Hawk went on a journey to discover more about the petroglyph and the meaning behind it. He talked to the elders in his village and visited other Native American ruins. He learned that his people had once flourished and lived in harmony with nature, growing crops like corn and quinoa to sustain themselves.

But, over time, the land had been taken and their way of life had changed. Many of their villages and kivas were in ruins, their petroglyphs now faded and their traditions forgotten. However, Little Hawk was determined to keep their legacy intact.

He continued to explore and learn about his people's history, sharing what he discovered with others and working to keep their traditions alive. And as Little Hawk grew, he became known as a keeper of the petroglyphs, helping to ensure that the story of his people would always be remembered.

The end.


  1. What did Little Hawk discover in the kiva and why was he curious about it?
  2. What did Little Hawk learn about the Native American's way of life?
  3. Why was Little Hawk determined to keep the legacy of his people intact?
  4. What did Little Hawk do to ensure that the story of his people would always be remembered?
  5. Can you think of any other ways to help preserve the history and traditions of different cultures?

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