The Brave Shabti: A Tale of Temptation and Triumph

Once upon a time, in ancient Egypt, there lived a small shabti figure made of clay. The shabti was brought to life by a powerful magician and was tasked with helping a wealthy farmer in his fields. The shabti loved his work and took great pride in making the crops grow tall and strong.

One day, while the shabti was tending to the crops, a wicked sorcerer appeared. The sorcerer was envious of the farmer's wealth and decided to tempt the shabti with an offer. The sorcerer promised to give the shabti magical powers that would make him even more powerful in the fields.

The shabti was tempted, but he remembered his purpose and the farmer who had brought him to life. The shabti turned down the offer and told the sorcerer to leave. But the sorcerer was not happy and cursed the shabti, causing him to shrivel up and become just a lifeless figure once again.

The farmer found the shabti and was heartbroken. He took the shabti to the temple of the gods and prayed for their help. The gods heard his prayers and brought the shabti back to life. The shabti was stronger than ever and continued to work in the fields, spreading joy and making the crops grow tall and strong.

The wicked sorcerer was never seen again and the shabti lived happily ever after, always remembering the importance of staying true to oneself and not succumbing to temptation. The farmer was proud of the shabti and thanked the gods for their help. The end.


  1. What was the shabti's purpose in the story?
  2. What did the wicked sorcerer offer the shabti?
  3. Why did the shabti turn down the sorcerer's offer?
  4. What happened to the shabti after the sorcerer cursed him?
  5. How did the shabti become alive again?
  6. Why was the farmer proud of the shabti?
  7. What did the shabti learn about temptation and staying true to oneself?

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