The Prince and the Solution to the Drying Well

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a prince named Max. Max loved to explore new lands and go on adventures. One day, while he was on an expedition, he came across a village that was facing a big problem. The village's only source of freshwater was drying up, and the villagers were running out of water.

Max felt sorry for the villagers and decided to help. He remembered learning about evaporation in his science classes and thought that might be the solution to their problem. So, he gathered all the villagers and explained his plan.

Max suggested that they collect all the available water in big pots and place them under the sun. He told them that as the sun would shine on the water, the water would get heated and start evaporating. The villagers were curious, but they didn't understand how this would solve their problem.

Max explained that when water evaporates, it turns into water vapor, which is a gas. He then showed the villagers how to condense the water vapor back into liquid form by placing a cloth over the pots. The water droplets that collected on the cloth were fresh and clean, just like the water they used to get from their source.

The villagers were amazed and couldn't believe it! They immediately started collecting water and evaporating it to get fresh water. In no time, they had enough water to last them for a long time.

Max was hailed as a hero, and the villagers thanked him for finding a solution to their problem. From that day on, whenever they faced a difficult situation, they thought about Max and how he found a solution to their water problem.

The villagers lived happily ever after, with a never-ending supply of fresh water. Max continued on his adventures, but he would always remember the day he helped the villagers and found a solution to their problem.


  1. Why did the villagers need help with their water supply?
  2. What did Prince Max suggest as a solution to their problem?
  3. How did Prince Max turn water into fresh water for the villagers?
  4. How did the villagers feel about Prince Max's solution?
  5. Can you think of a time when you had to come up with a solution to a problem? How did you do it?

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