Once upon a time, in a far-off kingdom, there lived a group of individuals who were proud of their descent. They traced their roots back many generations, to a time when their ancestors had built a great empire.
However, as the years went by, this sense of pride in their heritage began to fade. The individuals became more concerned with their own lives and less involved in the story of their people.
One day, a young girl named Lily decided she wanted to reignite the flame of her ancestors' legacy. She knew that in order to do so, she would have to get the other individuals in her kingdom involved.
So, she set out on a journey, traveling far and wide to meet with the people of her kingdom. She listened to their stories and learned about their lives, and she told them about the rich history of their descent.
Slowly but surely, Lily's message began to spread, and more and more individuals became interested in their heritage. They gathered together to learn about their past and to celebrate their descent, and before long, the sense of pride that had once been lost was restored.
And so, from generation to generation, the individuals of the kingdom continued to involve themselves in the story of their people. They remembered the legacy of their ancestors and celebrated their descent, and their kingdom flourished for many years to come.
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