The Jungle Rescue

Once upon a time, in a dense jungle, there lived a bear, a zebra, a tiger, a crocodile, a snake, a monkey, a giraffe and a hippo. They all lived in harmony and enjoyed the lush greenery and sparkling streams that flowed through the jungle.

One day, the bear noticed that the monkey had been acting strange. The monkey wouldn't come out of its tree and seemed to be hiding something. The bear, being the curious animal that it was, decided to investigate.

As the bear approached the monkey's tree, it heard a strange noise coming from the top. The bear climbed the tree and found a small, injured zebra at the top. The monkey had found the zebra and was trying to help it, but didn't know what to do.

The bear quickly came up with a plan and called for the tiger, crocodile, snake and hippo to come to the monkey's tree. Together, they worked to create a stretcher for the injured zebra and carried it to the nearby river, where the giraffe used its long neck to reach some medicinal plants to help the zebra heal.

The zebra eventually recovered and was eternally grateful to the monkey and the other animals for saving its life. From that day on, they were all the best of friends, and the jungle was filled with even more love and friendship.

The End.


  1. Why do you think the monkey was acting strange?
  2. What did the other animals do to help the injured zebra?
  3. How do you think the zebra felt towards the monkey and other animals after they saved its life?

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