The Wise King and the Parliament of Unity

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, there was a kingdom ruled by a kind and fair king. The kingdom was expanding and growing every day, with new villages and towns being established. The king wanted to make sure that everyone was happy and that the kingdom was run smoothly. So, he decided to establish a Parliament, where representatives from each town could come and discuss the problems and come up with solutions.

The Parliament was a great success and everyone was happy with how things were going. However, one day, a group of unhappy citizens started a mutiny. They didn't like the way things were being run and wanted to have more say in how the kingdom was run. They marched to the palace and demanded to speak with the king.

The king was wise and kind. He listened to the citizens and realized that they had a point. He agreed to give them more representation in the Parliament and to include their voices in the decision-making process.

The citizens were thrilled and the mutiny was forgotten. The Parliament continued to expand, with more representatives from different towns joining in. The kingdom was run even more smoothly and everyone was happy. The king was remembered as a wise and fair ruler who always listened to the people and made sure that everyone was happy.

And so, the kingdom continued to prosper and grow, with the Parliament and the king working together to make sure that everyone was happy and that the kingdom was run smoothly. The end.


  1. Who was the main character in the story?
  2. Why did the king establish a Parliament?
  3. What happened when some citizens started a mutiny?
  4. What did the king do to resolve the mutiny?
  5. How did the kingdom change after the mutiny was resolved?
  6. What was the king's character like?
  7. What was the most important lesson you learned from the story?

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