The Journey to Immortality: A Story of Unity and Hope

Once upon a time, there lived a king who was very worried about death. He wanted to be immortal and never die. So, he went to a wise man and asked for a solution to his problem. The wise man thought for a moment and then told the king about a pillar of immortality.

The pillar of immortality was located at the top of a high mountain and it was said that whoever reached it would become immortal. The king was overjoyed and decided to set out on the journey to find the pillar.

After many days of traveling, the king finally reached the top of the mountain and found the pillar of immortality. He was just about to touch it when suddenly he was transported back to his kingdom. He was confused and asked the wise man what had happened.

The wise man explained that immortality was not meant for just one person. It was meant to be shared among everyone, and so the pillar would only work temporarily. The king was disappointed, but then the wise man came up with a solution.

He suggested that the king gather all the people in his kingdom and build a big pyre. The king and all the people would then jump into the pyre and be temporarily immortal. This way, everyone would have a chance to live forever, even if it was just for a short while.

The king liked the solution and followed the wise man's advice. He gathered all the people in his kingdom and they built a big pyre. They all jumped into the pyre and became temporarily immortal. They lived happily ever after, enjoying their newfound immortality.

From that day on, the people of the kingdom never forgot the solution to immortality and would tell the story to their children and grandchildren. The pillar of immortality became a symbol of hope and the pyre became a symbol of unity. And so, the story of the king and the pillar of immortality was passed down from generation to generation.


  1. What did the king want to achieve in the story?
  2. Who did the king go to for a solution?
  3. What was the solution the wise man came up with to make the king and the people of the kingdom immortal?
  4. What was the final outcome of the story?
  5. Why was the pillar of immortality only meant to work temporarily?
  6. Why did the story of the king and the pillar of immortality become a symbol of hope and unity?

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